About HouStories

We’ve researched over 400 properties—and we’d love yours to be next.

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Curious about how we can help you?

You are in the right place if:

  • You are a private home owner who is interested in learning about the untold history of your home

  • You suspect your property could qualify for the Mills Act (property tax reduction) or Historic Landmark status, but don’t know where to begin

  • You are a local business owner who wants to use the story behind your shop, cafe, or restaurant location to intrigue your customers

  • You are a real estate agent who could use the unique history of a property to reach a broader market

  • You are a property developer who sets your projects apart by using a building's history to appeal to certain business tenants

  • You are an architecture lover who wants to learn more about Long Beach history through in-person events


Meet the Owner & Historian here at HouStories

Maureen Neeley, M.L.I.S.

Hello! My name is Maureen, and I am a local reference librarian and the owner of HouStories. Through this history consulting business, my team and I have researched over 400 properties—residential, commercial and multifamily—in Long Beach. I write freelance for various publications about neighborhood histories, local lore and architecture. I’ve also led panel discussions about iconic city sites like the Civic Center and Ocean & Pine, as well as presented various programs about historic art and architecture.

As an unabashed Long Beach booster, I am either a past or current leader for numerous nonprofit boards such as the Belmont Heights Community Association, Walk Long Beach, and Long Beach Heritage. I’ve been a recipient of the Preservationist of the Year award, and I sit on the Advisory Board for the Historical Society. I am also honored to be a trustee of the Long Beach Navy Memorial Heritage Association.

Born and raised in San Francisco, I am a fourth generation Californian. After receiving my B.A. in History from Gonzaga University, I went on to earn my Masters in Library and Information Studies from U.C. Berkeley. Since then, I’ve sought to share my passion for history with others by being an active member of various community groups and editorial boards throughout California, and of course, by leading our projects here at HouStories.